Columbus/Bartholomew Recycling Center
720 S. Mapleton Street, Columbus, IN 47201
Phone: 812-376-2614
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:30pm
Materials Accepted
Please sort according to the following types.
Paper Products
Please sort the following paper products by type:
Hardback and paperback books
Junk Mail, Office Paper, Scrap Paper, Envelopes, Etc
Cartons - Egg, Milk, and Juice Cartons. Remove caps & straws.
Plastic Bottles, Jugs, Tubs, and Cups
NO Plastic Bags!
NO Styrofoam!
Note: Look on the bottom of your plastic containers for the "recycling" triangle to identify the plastic type. Be sure to rinse out any food or beverage containers!
Aluminum Cans -Please separate your aluminum from other metal types
Food Cans
Scrap Metal
Note: Labels are OK. Be sure to rinse out any food or beverage containers!
Glass- Bottles and jars only please
Note: Labels are OK. Any metal lids should be placed with your scrap metal. Be sure to rinse out any food or beverage containers!
Computers and Electronics
Accepting all residential Electronic Waste (E-Waste). No business E-waste accepted. $20 fee for TV's and computer monitors. Due to space limitations at the Columbus/Bartholomew Recycling Center, projection televisions should go to the landfill for recycling.
Household Hazardous Waste
See Household Hazardous-Tox Away (►Here) for items accepted Tuesday-Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm.
Bartholomew County Landfill
811 E. CR 450 S., Columbus, IN 47201
Phone: 812-342-2756
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Sat: 7:30am - 4:00pm
(Backside of Landfill closes at 1pm)
No trailers over 4ft on Small Load Pad
Self-serve recycling - please follow signs for instruction on where to place materials.
Materials AcceptedComputers & Electronics
Accepting all residential Electronic Waste (E-Waste). No business E-Waste accepted. $20 fee for TV's and computer monitors. Due to space limitations at the Columbus/Bartholomew Recycling Center, projection televisions should go to the landfill for recycling.
Used Motor Oil
Please do not mix any other material with oil.
CFC (Refrigerant-Containing) Appliances
Cost per unit is $20
Harrison Convenience Station
10293 Old Nashville Rd - Columbus , IN 47201
Hours of Operation
Saturday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Self-serve recycling - please follow signs for instruction on where to place materials.
Materials AcceptedPetersville Convenience Station
11110 25th Street - Columbus, IN 47203
Hours of Operation
Saturday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Self-serve recycling - please follow signs for instruction on where to place materials.
Materials Accepted